Dark Side of the Moon is a series of mixed media (collage and LED lights) on wood panels created during a musically abundant year where I attended over 14 concerts including Sting, Peter Gabriel, Chris Cornell and David Gilmour from Pink Floyd (whose lyrics directly inspired the titles).
My series Dark Side of The Moon reflects the breakage and disintegration of my identity, the unavoidable grief and the abandonment into what seems to be a vast void. The feminine figures -obtained from photographs of Man Ray- enclose themselves in a mantle of darkness sometimes expanding or falling into a boundless space. Yet the fall, the fragmentation, the blindness generates jewel-like light or a luminous landscape.
From Tom Wudl:
The big discovery here might be that this is something that this breakage will go on continually in life -like it does for everyone- the falling apart to find your self again.